After their terrible experience in the world's future, Ail, Sanae, Maribel and Renko finally return home, dealing with the crystal knight the second they came through the time gate. Reimu and the others are filled with joy after seeing their friends back at last, however celebrations had to be cut short since SikiEiki Yamaxanadu made them promise they would report to her by the Sanzu River once they got back.
At the Sanzu River, Ail and Siki had explained everything to Reimu. About the four human's visit to the dark future, the possibilities of that future coming true, and the events that they had to stop. "One more thing" shouts Reimu. She pulls Ail's spell card from her pocket and shouts "THIS!" Ail stutters saying "err, w-well you see, i-it's a long story and-" before he could explain, Reimu kicks him upward to hard, he's sent spinning in the air, then lands on his face. Beside Siki, a really large spirit that looked like Youmu's but with a longer tail, twirls around, as if in pain. Siki says "this is Ail's ghost half, as you can see. After he used that card and died, we made a deal, so I'm keeping this ghost until the deal is complete." Reimu kneels down and says "no point in my asking what that deal was?" Siki lightly shakes her head then says "all I can say is, he'll be needing all of your help to regain this part of him." Ail gets up a little dizzy and says "Siki, just like you said... I've been changing my mood very suddenly, and sometimes I don't even need food or water and, sometimes... I'm getting the urge to do terrible things." Siki smiles and says "you are missing half of yourself. You are unconsciously trying to fill that void inside of you. Just keep true to your heart. It's all the advice I can give you now." Sanae says "I know this is important and all, but we have one task at hand... that little blond vampire." Maribel and Renko listen quietly as Siki speaks. "Alright, I'll help you, but ONLY this time, understood? First of all, Ail, Reimu, I believe you two understand certain events MUST occur." Ail and Reimu nod, then Siki nods back saying "good. You HAVE to let Agava do what she wants to. All I want you to do here is prevent the untimely death of that youkai." Ail says "that sounds easy, however what about the other events? Since we stopped the crystal knight-" Siki raises her sword and says "at this very moment, there is a small creature picking up the armor, and will use it to try and cause chaos. She's very determined to do this, however she also fears what this might lead to. Reimu, this particular task belongs to you. Renko and Maribel, I want you two to keep a close eye on the barrier at all times, and assist Ail and Reimu whenever you can." Renko and Maribel nod at the same time, Maribel flipping her ears as a light wind passes by.
Sanae looks at Siki for a moment then asks "miss SikiEiki? What about me?" Siki places her sword in front of her mouth, covering her smile as she says "your task will be simple. You will make sure everything goes well for a bright future, and more importantly, you will keep his heart on the right track." Sanae looks at Ail as Siki said this. Siki then tells her "no. None of them can hear us. This task will be your own. Use everything in your power, and don't forget to use that divine power of yours as much as possible during the events that will take place very soon." Sanae nods then asks "can... you tell me a bit more?" Siki closes her eyes and says "understand that great pain is going to fill that boy's heart. When that happens, he will need all the support he can get." Sanae feels a cold wind creeping up her spine when SikiEiki tells her this. Siki lowers her sword then says "all five of you, understand that you also have many great friends. You are not alone in these tasks. Let them help you, but whatever you do, don't tell them about the events that are to happen." Reimu says "great. Again you guys make me work... but for Gensokyo I would do all that and more." Ail nods and says "I am sure we all love Gensokyo enough to do these simple tasks and then some, am I right?" Maribel jumps, raising her fist in the air and cheering "YEAH, of course! Long live Gensokyo, right!?" Renko gets up and says "it took us a long time to get here, and I'm not planning to let that waiting and effort go to waste." Sanae stays kneeling on the ground, then Ail gets close to her and offers his hand. When she grabs his hand, he helps her up then asks "Sanae, you are alright?" Sanae dusts her skirt and says "of course! And don't worry. I'll protect Gensokyo too, with all my power!" Siki smiles and says "then I leave these tasks in good hands. Oh, and Ail! Have the Lunarian take a look at that left eye of yours. I hear she just came up with vision restoring drug. I must go now, and remember, not a word to anyone, but do ask for help. You're going to need it." As she turns around she says "to think I could get in trouble for telling you all of this... oh well, some things are worth a little risk." She gets on the boat where Komachi was covering her ears. She had fallen asleep completely by the time Siki arrives, so she strikes Komachi with her sword and says "falling asleep again, and so quickly too. You know, you are so lucky I don't fire you right now." Siki continued lecturing Komachi all the way through the river and possibly even more, but Ail wasn't curious enough to find out. Reimu says "let's go back to the shrine. I'm sure the others are anxious to greet you guys. I bet they even have the sake ready for a party. *Sigh* It's for a good cause, I guess." She turns and smiles as she looks at the four humans, then signals them to follow, and so all five head to the skies in the direction of the Hakurei Shrine, Renko, of course, carried by Maribel.
At Alice's house, Luna and Medicine wait in Alice's living room, as she finishes repairs on Su-san. Medicine was sitting by the right edge of the sofa, while Luna sat on left edge. Both were very silent until Luna finally speaks. "So, do you have any friends?" asks Luna. Medicine looks at her, almost offended by the question and opens her mouth, but then she just closes her mouth, looks away and says "y-yeah... I got... friends." Luna smiles then looks at her and says "well... want to add me to your list of friends?" Medicine looks back at her, scowling and growling softly. She gets up from the sofa and walks to another chair, then in a low tone of voice she says "y-you wanna be my friend?" Luna bends while sitting, in order to get a little closer without having to get up and says "I didn't hear that." Medicine shouts back "I said that you can be my friend!" Luna Smirks and says "well, once your doll... er, I mean... Su-san is better... let's go to the village. We can have some fun with the humans there. What do you say?" Medicine gets nervous and says "th-the village? Hu-the humans? Umm..." Luna half-smiles and says "you aren't afraid of some pathetic little humans, aren't you?" Medicine spring up from her chair and says "of COURSE not! Humans don't scare me at all!" Luna smirks and says "good, because we're gonna have some FUN with those humans." Medicine looks at Luna very suspiciously, then smiles wickedly and says "sounds like a really good plan!" Just then, Alice comes from her work room saying "I'm done. Here." She hands Su-san to Medicine, who jumps with joy and shouts "SU-SAN~! You're all better!" The little doll takes flight and twirls around the air in celebration. Luna gets up with a wicked smile, places her hand in one of her dress' pockets and pulls out a few marks and says "here's the money I promised." in a very dangerous tone. Alice sweats a little and says "h-hey, materials aren't free." Luna bows and says "I know. I'm just expressing my gratitude for your help." She raises her head while still bowing with a smirk that suggested danger. Alice smirks back and says "just tell me if it's a fight you're looking for. I'll gladly accept." Medicine pulls lightly on Luna's skirt and angrily says "HEY! You promised we would go to the village!" Luna pats Medicine on the head and says "my, you're so right. Sorry miss Margatroid. Our little game will have to wait for next time." Alice looks seriously back at Luna, then nods. Luna nods back and heads for the door, holding Medicine's hand. Alice realizes this and says "hey, isn't your skin burning?" Luna looks back and with a smile she says "I'm immune to poisons" then closes the door behind her. Alice had a very bad feeling, but shrugs and thinks "if anything happens, those two will take care of it, as always."
Outside Alice's house, two shadows loom around the trees, moving about quietly. One of them giggles, and the other whispers "Yuki, shut up, you're gonna give us away." Alice comes out her door shouting "is someone there!?" She looks around, but sees nothing, so she heads back inside. Immediately after closing the door, there was a knock. She opens the door asking "yes, what is-?" Again, there was nobody there. She looks around suspiciously, then slowly closes the door. Immediately after the door clicks, someone knocks on it one more time. Alice swings open the door and angrily shouts "who the HELL is IT!?" but again, there was nobody there. She growls and stomps on the ground while saying "dammit, DAMMIT!!! This is getting REALLY annoying!" She bangs the door shut and when she turns around, Mai and Yuki were there, right behind her, waving their arms and saying "hi~!" Alice gets the scare of her life, and falls unconscious on the floor. Mai immediately rushes to her shouting "Alice! Alice, wake up! Yuki, I think we killed her!" Yuki smiles and says "nonsense! She's just passed out. Here, lets put her to bed. I'll show you where she keeps the good tea." Mai asks "hey, isn't that stealing, even if she's like our sister?" Yuki says "are you kidding me? We're guests. I'm sure she won't mind." As they take Alice's unconscious body to her room, Mai says "well, I guess you're right" then Yuki says "of course I'm right."
Back at the Hakurei Shrine, Sanae had Ail on a headlock and shouting "are you gonna tell us!?" Reimu calmly says "Ail, why do you keep these things quiet?" Ail give up and says alright, ALRIGHT!!! I'll tell everything!" Everyone sits around Ail as he begins to speak. "First off... Mima? Why did you curse that apple?" Mima sweats and says "err, apple? I don't remember any apple." Ail looks at her and says "really? Well it just so happen I do, and I gave that apple to Maribel, and she grew cat ears and a tail!" Mima gets a good look at Maribel, who flips her ears and swings her tail around. She was sitting next to Chen and Ran who insisted on coming with their master to Ail and Maribel's welcome-back party. Mima gulps and says "wrong person... but it still worked out. She looks so CUTE!" Hearts replace Mima's eyes as she lunges toward Maribel. Ail knocks her down just before reaching Maribel and says "that felt better than I had hoped." Sanae clears her throat and glares at Ail. He panics and starts to sweat, then says "alright, I was getting to that!"
"About that spell card... Listen, when Tenshi went mad up there in heaven, none of us were able to stop her. She was going to destroy everything up there, then head straight here. She had knocked me on the ground when I desperately called for help, since she made short work of my 'Holy Dance' spell, then suddenly, that spell card just materialized on my hands." Reimu looks at Ail suspiciously, then Ail says "I'm telling the truth!" Sanae tells him "calm down. Just go on." Ail takes a deep breath and says "right. After I used it, I felt my very soul being turned into those stars. I could even feel when they impacted on Tenshi and on the ground. After about a minute, I felt cold, and just as Tenshi fell, I lost all my consciousness. I found myself facing SikiEiki, who immediately told me these words: 'Ail, you realize what has happened, correct? Well, since this was an accident, I will help you. I will take half of your spirit and keep it here with me, while it recovers the life force you used on that spell. After that you will be whole again. Mind you, you'll experience many changes while being a half-ghost. Oh, and don't tell anyone what has happened, and keep that card hidden.' After that, just like she said to me, I started to feel different." Ail sits down, feeling a little exhausted for some reason. Reimu offers him some tea. Ail declines, but Reimu insists saying "it'll give you some energy." Ail accepts and takes a big gulp, feeling immediately re-energized. Sanae stares at him sadly as he gets up once more.
Ail takes one last sip of tea and says "now, about this eye..." He points at his left eyes as he says this. "When I fought Yumeko, both of use sort of lost it, and we were aiming for not less than our lives. She threw so many daggers, I couldn't even see them all, and one of them got me right under this eye. I could still see afterward, so I didn't give it much though, but after the battle, as I carried Yumeko back to Pandemonium, I started to notice I wasn't seeing very well at all through that eye." Maribel springs up and shouts "mister Ail! Why didn't you tell us anything!" Ail looks back at her and says "because I didn't want to worry you." Sanae crosses her arms and says "dummy! You should have said something." Reimu adds "maybe Shinki would have been able to restore it for you." Ail looks at Reimu and says "she couldn't. She tried various times after I returned, but nothing worked." Maribel lowers her ears and hides her tail. Ail notice this and says "see, this is why I didn't say anything. Don't worry. It's probably something temporary." Reimu strikes him with her gohei and says "you should be more careful from now on. Eirin?" Eirin smiles and says "come to my clinic tomorrow and I'll have a look, alright?" Ail nods, then Sanae adds "and he'd BETTER be there, or I'll take him there myself." Somehow, Ail felt she was worried, however he couldn't shake off the feeling that she would kill him if he didn't go to the clinic. Marisa angrily gets up and says "you STILL haven't explained where you all went in such a hurry after arriving here!" Ail backs away and says "calm down. We were just reporting something to the yama." Marisa grumbles and says "fine, keep your secrets! I'm out of here. Later!" Reimu tries to get close to her friend, but Marisa only shouts "LATER!" then gets out of the shrine and immediately flies away, hiding her tears as she flew away. All present were left in shock at Marisa's behavior. Mima looks down to the ground and says "don't be mad at her. She may not have looked it, but she was really worried about you two. I think she's just mad you're not letting her in on your secrets. I think... she feels you're all pushing her away." Reimu sighs and says "I'll have a word with her after she's calmed down." As she sits down, she notices Yorihime glaring at Ail. She quietly sips on her tea, but keeps her eyes open for any trouble.
As Ail was about to sit down, Orin says "BRO!" Ail looks at her, gives her a hug, saying "Orin, how are you!?" She hugs back and says "I was very worried about you, bro! You weren't coming to visit and I though you got mad at me and..." Ail raises his hand and says "it's alright. Sorry to have worried you." He notices Orin was waving her tails around and looking straight at him with a smirk. Ail says "from here to the cave?" Orin shouts "You're on!!" they were about to leave the shrine when Eirin says "ah, ah, ah! Hold it right there, mister!" She places an eye-patch on Ail's bad eye and says "my patients need to take care of themselves. Be careful out there!" Ail smiles and says "thanks." Ail and Orin position themselves just before the shrine's stairs. They were just about to start the race when Chen positions herself next to Orin and says "don't you DARE tell me to stay here!" Ran sounding very worried says "Chen, you be careful!" Chen shouts "I'll be alright, Ran-sama!" Ail adds "I'll make sure of it!" then smirks at Orin and Chen. All three sprint off and start their race toward the cave to the underground. Watching the trail of dust they raise as they run, Ran says "she's growing up so fast *sniffle*." Reimu and Yukari stare at Ran for a moment, the Yukari grabs Ran by the shoulder, smiles and casually says "soon, you'll be a grandma too." Ran turns into stone for a moment, then recovers and shouts "OVER MY DEAD BODY!!!"
At the Human Village, Medicine and Luna sneak around, avoiding detection by Keine, who apparently felt something was odd. They head straight into her school, while she goes around and behind the houses, and looks suspiciously. "That woman. She's gonna give us trouble if she keeps snooping around." whispers Luna. Medicine was trembling and was just about to start crying, but she holds back her urge to cry and whispers while trembling "th-th-that's wh-why I d-didn't want to c-c-ome here." Luna smirks and says "don't worry, with me here, you shouldn't have any trouble. Now, start blowing as much poison as you can, and don't stop until I tell you to." Still trembling, Medicine nods. Su-san would normally be quietly hovering above Medicine, but this time she pulled on Medicine's shirt, as if trying to stop her, however Medicine ignores her and inhales as much air as she could, then started blowing a purple cloud all around her until the whole classroom was filled. Luna smirks and cackles as she unsheathes both swords and slashes the air, crossing the blades, sending a yellow cross straight at one of the walls of the school, blowing it up in the process. Like a flash, Luna grabs Medicine and shouts "keep blowing that beautiful poison of yours!" as she runs outside. Nobody could see them as they dash across houses so quickly, they looked like dark flashes. The villagers panic and Keine rushes to the front of the school to see poison flowing from her school and spreading all around the village. She started to feel dizzy, and suddenly starts seeing cups of tea flying just above her head. She smiles and in a dreamy state she says "wa~it tea~. Please~ wa~it. Come to drink with me~!" All the villagers were babbling about insanely while Luna cackles with glee and shouts "just a little more!" Suddenly, from the Hakurei Shrine, Ail, Orin and Chen come running at such speeds that they blow away all the poison and knock Luna and Medicine away with such force, they all all the way to the Youkai Mountain's base. The human and the two Nekomatas continue their race, wondering what were those purple clouds and that scream, but Ail just shrugs and says "come on, you slowpokes! I'm barely breaking a sweat here!" Chen shouts back "I'm just getting started!" Orin says "Oh, I'm sorry, let me up the speed for you!" All thre speed up and head toward their destination with smirks on their faces.
At the base of the Youkai Mountain, Aya was having some leisure time, fanning herself while lying on the floor, eating an apple and enjoying the peace and quiet. She hears a pair of fain screams, but thinks nothing of it. From inside her pockets, she pulls out a cup with some liquid inside and drinks contently, then again a pair of faint screams, this time sounding closer. She gets up and asks "what's that noise?" She looks around, but sees nothing, yet the screams were getting closer and closer. She finally looks up and spots Luna and Medicine, screaming at the top of their lungs, heading straight at her. She slightly moves to the left and smirks, however, Luna grabs hold of Aya's shirt as they passes by, pulling the tengu along for one bumpy ride on the ground that ends with a crash against a large boulder. Aya lands on top of the boulder on her back, while Medicine lands on her stomach with Su-san on top of her, and Luna ends against the boulder with her legs up in the air, her skirt falling victim to gravity, revealing her tight white pants underneath. Aya's the first one to recover from the daze and immediately pulls out her camera and takes photos of Luna's pants. After that, Medicine groans and rubs her head as she gets up, then Luna gets up, flips back on to her feet and shouts "what the HELL did you do that for!?" Aya sits with her legs crossed on top of the boulder and angrily says "well, I am allowed some payback after you pulled into your spectacular crash, which I might consider news if I weren't in my DAY OFF!!!" As if not even listening, Luna growls "give me those pictures, you perverted bitch!" Aya smiles and sprouts a pair of black wings, and still, as if sitting on mid-air with her legs still crossed, she says "my, that's not the way to ask someone for something you want. I didn't even hear the magic word!" Luna unsheathes one of her swords and starts shooting those colorful knives at Aya, who dodges them all with ease. Aya hums and says "look, just ask nicely and I might consider giving these back." From behind, a large shadow heads straight to Aya, trying to grab hold of her, but as if already aware, Aya dodges out of the way just in time and says "wow, is that you Kyo? It's been a while!" Kyo casually says "hello Aya. Sorry, but could you please be so kind as to return those photos?" Aya opens her eyes widely and says "no 'how are you?', no 'it's so nice to see you again'? I'm hurt" Kyo glares at her and says "Aya~! I'm trying to be nice here." Aya hums again and says "tell you what. You, the doll and that woman come by tomorrow and depending on what happens then, I'll destroy or use them for myself." Kyo bows and says "alright. Tomorrow then." Luna shouts back "KYO~! On who's side are you on!" Kyo glances at Luna and says "we can't win against her. Let's just come by tomorrow. You, doll. Come on. Let's not get on her nerves." Medicine gets angry and shouts "my name is MEDICINE!" Aya watches as the three leave, then smiles and says to herself "what did I get myself into?"
Marisa was pacing in the living room of her house, grumbling incoherently. She grabs her hat and tosses it away letting it hit the ground and shouts "I am their friend too, dammit!" She starts to cry and sits on the ground with her back against a windowed wall. She sobs for some time then suddenly stops and raise her head after hearing a strange noise. She was about to get up when a voice says to her "they don't want you, Kirisame. And after all you've done for them too. They cast you aside like yesterday's garbage. Do you hate them? You so-called friends? Hate them, Marisa Kirisame, get revenge on them. Hurt them, make THEM cry instead. They deserve it." Marisa started to feel great hatred toward her friends. She though about Ail and Reimu and imagined herself making them cry in agony before dealing one final satisfying blow. The voice continues "yes, Marisa, yes~. Use that hatred! Get revenge on those that cast you aside. You care about them so much, you worried about them, and what did they do? They ignored you and push you away just like that. They don't deserve to live. Kill them... KILL THEM!" Marisa gets on her feet with a determined look in her eyes. She could feel the hatred, it gave her more power, more focus, but it also hurt her. She felt sharp pain in her heart and her limbs. "There's only one way to get rid of this" she said to herself as she reached for her Hakkero inside her hat. Again, she tosses her hat aside and was about to leave, then sees a picture of Reimu and herself, side by side, just after beating the goddess from the Moriya Shrine. She remembers how much Reimu cared about her. Enough to get worried for her at the slightest display of discomfort. Ail, who after being kidnapped by herself later treated her as he always had, forgiving her just like that, as if nothing ever happened. She remembers how Mima cared for her for so many years, then suddenly she starts to cry again. The voice shouts "you WEAK little witch! Don't hesitate. GO! DO IT! Hurt them. MAKE THEM SUFFER!" Again, Marisa's eyes fill with anger and determination. She gets on her broom and flies away, not even caring that she left the door to her house open. After she vanishes from sight, Agava jumps out from behind some bushes, laughing and saying "that was easier than I though. I may have lost my battle against that Kyo, but this new development worked out just fine. HA! Who knew that witch would succumb so easily to jealousy. Pathetic." A tall shadow rises from behind little Agava, expanding and contracting and snarling as it did. Agava gets startled and stays put right were she was. She slowly turns around and looks at the towering figure behind her. It was Marisa, breathing heavily, scowling and frowning, looking as if her face had been horribly disfigured. She points her Hakkero at Agava and growls "YOU... little... IMP!" In a fraction of a second, a rainbow-colored beam fires from the miniature reactor straight at Agava, sending her flying high above the skies. When the beam fades away, she had blow away a pair of trees along with Agava, and a big chunk of the ground as well. She breathes heavily, then, as if unable to control her own body, she waddles back inside her house, slamming the door shut.
At the cave to the underground, Kisume was hanging from the trees just outside the cave and swinging herself for fun. She giggles and laughs on her own, just swinging around, when she suddenly hears a rumbling noise. She looks behind her and asks to herself "what's that?" Suddenly, something knocks her bucket, making her spin rapidly around the branch, then is sent flying up high, laughing and giggling even though she got really dizzy. "I WIN!" shouts Chen as soon as she touches the cave's wall. Shortly after, Ail and Orin arrive, Orin complaining and saying "you cheated." Chen giggles and says "complaints will get you nowhere. Just accept the facts you two. I'm fastest than you!" Ail takes a deep breath and says "Chen... it's 'faster than you', not 'fastest'." Chen blushes a little and says "I knew that!" Orin laughs and says "I'm really glad you're not mad at me, bro. Come and visit soon." She waves back at Chen and Ail and just before entering the cave, she raises her arms and catches Kisume, just as she fell. Her eyes were spinning while she smiles and says "eh~heh heh, let's do that again." Orin shrugs and heads back inside to the cave after waving again at Ail and Chen. Ail smiles at Chen and says "so, you wanna race back to the shrine?" Chen looks down, hiding her tails under her skirt and saying "um... I'm a little tired now." Ail gets a little surprised, but he smiles and says "get on my back. I'll fly us back." Chen immediately jumps on Ail's back and quickly, the two were flying back to the shrine. As soon as they lift off, Chen falls asleep on Ail's back. Ail notices this and says to himself "oh, she wasn't kidding. Better not wake her." He flies slowly under the afternoon's sun, so Chen wouldn't wake up but suddenly starts feeling ill. For a moment he thinks it's a passing thing, but suddenly he started feeling very dizzy. He thinks "what's the matter with me? Maybe something happened to my ghost half? No... this is..." Suddenly, Ail falls down along with Chen, but she wouldn't wake up at all. Ail panics and immediately reaches for her, grabbing her by the back of her shirt, then slowly descends. By the time he reached the ground, his heart was beating very fast, his limbs felt heavy, he couldn't see anything at all and he couldn't breathe. He felt as if his heart was about to explode any moment, however, the crystal he once wore around his neck started to shine brightly, breaking out from inside his pocket. He was able to see it as it placed itself gently on his right wrist, then suddenly a golden bracelet wraps itself around his wrist, and on top, the white crystal that had been twice blessed by the goddesses, one from Shinki, and another from Kanako and Suwako's ghosts. When the bracelet sets tightly around his wrist, he wakes up and realizes he's still flying high with Chen still sleeping on his back, however he realizes he had the golden bracelet with the white crystal around his wrist. He looks around, his face covered in sweat, wondering what had just happened. Again, he looks at the bracelet and upon further inspection he notices a snake on the left, a frog on the right, and underneath, Pandemonium. He breathes deeply and quietly says "I've got this bad feeling all of a sudden."
Arriving at the shrine, Ran immediately grabs Chen and pulls her from Ail's back, however, she had pierced her claws through his shirt, this this was only evident after the loud ripping sound as Ran pulled Chen back, and the chunk of fabric missing from Ail's shoulders. Ail sweats a little, but only smiles and says "it's ok!" as Ran bows apologizing. Reimu and Sanae look at him surprised, then Sanae says "Ail... you sound just like yourself again. Did something happen?" Ail looks at her puzzled and says "umm, like myself? You mean I wasn't myself?" Reimu gets closer then spots the bracelet and the shining white crystal on it. She inspects it closely and says "you sneaky human! You got three gods blessing this crystal of yours!" Ail looks at the bracelet and says "ah yeah... right before this thing appeared on my wrist, I felt as if I was going to explode." Reimu smiles almost a little too enthusiastic and shouts "you should have this blessed by the Hakurei gods! Here, I'll do that for you!" Ail complains as she pulls him closer to the donation box and starts chanting some strange dialect. Ail tries to pull his hand away from her and slowly get away, but Reimu pulls a charm from her sleeve while chanting and says "stay put" and continues the chant as she placed the charm on Ail's forehead. Mima, who was clinging on to Maribel, comes outside to see what was all the commotion. She stands next to Sanae and asks "what's going on here?" then starts petting Maribel's cat ears, making her purr with a content look in her face. Sanae looks at them, but as if not noticing the small event she answers "well, Ail just came back with the Nekomata, then Reimu saw his new bracelet and then said she wanted to bless it too, and now she's speaking in tongues." Mima casually says "oh, this should be exciting." Suddenly, after looking at Ail's bracelet and the crystal for a moment she lets go of Maribel, letting her fall to the ground and runs toward Reimu shouting "wait, Reimu, not so fast!" but by the time Mima got close enough, Reimu finishes chanting and places her index finger on Ail's crystal, making it glow even more brightly, then it turns black for a moment, then goes back to white. She smiles and says "done. Huh? Oh, Mima? What's the matter?" Mima smirks and points at Ail who was staring blankly and just stood there with his arm raised and his eye-patch falling off. Reimu giggles in shame and says "well, I guess I should have waited before adding another blessing. But the good news is the blessing was a complete success. Look!" Mima and Sanae get closer and look inside the crystal. Although it was white, looking inside of it revealed a small black and white yin-yang orb spinning slowly inside. Reimu smiles and says "when he wakes up, I'll have him show this off to everyone, then they'll all come to donate to my shrine and buy many of these blessed bracelets! Aren't I a genius!?" After saying this, she lets go of Ail's arm, and just like that, he falls to the ground, his eyes wide open, the eye-patch falling off completely, his arms still lifted, but looked as though he was not even breathing.
Eirin comes out of the shrine with Yorihime and says "well, we'll be heading back- What just happen here?" Reimu and Mima were poking Ail asking him to wake up in a very casual tone while Sanae was begging them to stop it. Maribel gets close to Eirin and Yorihime and says "Something about a blessing to his crystal that he has on his wrist now, but it was too fast, so he got stiff and fell." Yorihime laughs and says "in short, that red and white miko messed up, huh?" Reimu gets annoyed and from where she was she shouts "I heard that!" but continues poking Ail, now with her gohei. Eirin sighs and says "well, might as well just take him to my clinic as he is. His eyes are wide open, making it easier for me to examine them." Yorihime says "alright, I'll go get him." Yukari chuckles and says "as a favor, I'll send you to the clinic in a second." and opens one of her gaps. Eirin smiles and says "how thoughtful." but then Yukari says "sure. Just let him know he owes me one, after he wakes up." Eirin sweats and giggles then says "what a friend."
Just as Tewi and Reisen entered the gap with Ail on a stretcher, Kyo arrives flying, carrying Luna on his arms. He spots Ail and shouts "AIL! He's back!? Ail, buddy!? Huh? What happened now?" Medicine, who catches up to him says "hey, I remember that guy. He was weird." Kyo and Medicine land next to each other, and immediately after setting Luna on the ground, Kyo runs to the gap, but it closes right after Eirin and Yorihime enter it. Reimu was just standing there with a casual smile on her face and says "sorry, you'll have to wait until after the operation." Kyo looks in disbelief and says "again!?" Maribel sadly says "his left eye was blind, so miss Eirin's gonna fix it." Kyo places his hand on his face and says why does he always get into so much trouble. Reimu shrugs and says "beats me. Maybe he's just a trouble magnet." Kyo glares at Reimu and says "you're still as bitchy as ever, I see." Reimu smacks him hard with her gohei and smiles while asking "did you say something?" Luna stood far away from the others along with Medicine. She glares at Sanae, who simple looks back casually, then bows her head. Sanae, then walks toward Reimu and Kyo and says "you guys, it's been great seeing you but..." Reimu smiles and says "go. I'm sure they're starting to get worried." Sanae smiles and bows, then flies away back to her shrine.
It was almost dark now at the Moriya shrine. Suwako and Kanako were standing outside asking each other "do you see her?" "Is she here yet?" "Maybe we should go look for her?" Suwako flies up on the shrine's gate and looks around but sees nothing. Kanako shouts "Suwako, let's go look for her ourselves. All this waiting is gonna drive us crazy!" Suwako was about to come down when she suddenly shouts with excitement "look! Look! Sanae's back!" Kanako smiles and says "quickly, let's serve dinner!" Suwako shouts back "NO~! I wanna say hi to Sanae~!" They spent so long arguing that they didn't realize Sanae had already landed and was staring at them. Kanako looks at Sanae and smiles as she says "Sanae, we were so worried!" Suwako jumps and says "my Sanae's back!" Kanako grabs Suwako by the back of her shirt after she jumps a second time and angrily says "hey, she's MY Sanae too, you know!" Suwako says "she's MY granddaughter, you wrinkled lady!" Kanako shakes Suwako around like a rag doll shouting "I'm MUCH younger than you, you warty old toad!" Sanae starts to laugh as tears drop from her eyes. Kanako and Suwako both stop arguing and look at Sanae concerned. Kanako immediately runs toward Sanae and shouts "SANAE!? Who hurt you!? What did they do to you!" followed by Suwako who says "if that maiden made you cry like that, I'll make her PAY!" After they get close enough, Sanae starts to cry even more, then she lunges at the two goddesses and hugs them tight, crying "Lady Yasaka, Lady Moriya, you're alive! You're both alright! I'm so glad!" Both Kanako and Suwako look at each other quite confused, but just hug Sanae back. Still confused Kanako says "well of course we're alive. Sanae, what's the matter?" Suwako says "please, Sanae. Stop crying. We're here. It's ok." All three stay outside a little longer, then somehow, Kanako convinces Sanae to get inside the shrine, just as the sun sets, ending one of the most exhausting days in Gensokyo.
To be continued...
Characters and scenario belong to ZUN -Team Shanghai Alice-
Ail, Kyo, Agava and Luna were created by Willie G.R.
AUG 23 2009
written by
Willie G.R.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
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